HKY4Vets was given an awesome platform last week to come and speak to 300+ local businesses, non-profits, elected officials, and everyone in between at the Catawba County Chamber's Future of Catawba County Summit.
As you might have seen from our last blog post or just our general radio silence, we have been very busy getting this community-wide effort ready for primetime. Basically too busy to write about it.
But we are in process of shifting to a new phase - a very important one - the Roll Out. The Roll Out is THE critical time when you take all these ideas that have largely existed on paper or only by a few folks, suddenly unwrap them and put them out there to the masses - either for love and adoration or scorn and confusion.
At this particular time our audience are the companies that call Catawba County home. These are the folks with the greatest need for talent and the most open to new ways of connecting to it because let's face it, all other paths have probably been tried and tested.
When this thing was entirely "blue sky" and basically an act of faith, we had some tremendous company partners that took those initial ideas, invested in them and have remained partners since. Now, with hopefully us now metaphorically bringing some more meat and potatoes to the dinner table, we are even more hopeful those same partners will again join us along with hopefully a new whole slew of folks that want to engage the extremely talented folks that are today's United State Military and Military Spouses.

But it is always nerve-wrecking in the weeks before and weeks after - waiting to see who will commit and partner with HKY4Vets to engage our other audience - transitioning military families.
We have some big plans for 2019 and beyond, but it goes nowhere without the funding and support of private companies. We are crossing our fingers that they will see what we see and will jump on board - if so, full steam ahead. If not, full steam ahead with some slight detours along the way.
If you are in the Catawba County area and want to better understand how your company can partner with HKY4Vets (big & small), please feel free to join us at any of the following "dog and pony shows". No commitments required (please RSVP to any of the sessions with a quick note to, just come hear what HKY4Vets has going on:
Tuesday, April 2, 8:00-9:00AM @ Catawba County Chamber of Commerce,
Tuesday, April 9, 8:00-9:00AM, Live Webinar.
Thursday, April 18, 8:00-9:00AM @ Catawba County Chamber
My best,